GangShow 1995 Posted on February 26, 1995November 15, 2020 by admin 26th Feb. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Pam Root with Richard Moore, Nicholas Punchard, Alex Pickering, Chris Oliver, David Taylor, Adam Crowson26th Feb. Flying High. Shirley Woodcock, Russell Widger, Dave Betts, Keith Harrington, Gill Moss. Luke Jones, Luke Evans, Luke Bodycot26th Feb. Nights of the Round Table. Oliver Scoppie, Liam Plume, Martin Newbold, David Newbold. Russell Lucas, Richard Smith, Stuart Jones26th Feb. Spring. Paul Cassidy, Simon Cox, Steve Woodcock, Jeremy Bromley. John Nicholson, Elaine Newbold, Barbara Bromley, Daryl Hastings. Damian Steel, Chris Night26th Feb. Opening. Linda Merry, Pat Owles, Paul Kennerley, Karl Wilson, Dave Jones. Michael Marsh, Jason Parker, Charles Shaw, Jonathan GoodmanRichard (Dick) Smith